Jane Lynch and Lauren Potter participated in a PSA to help “Spread the Word to End the Word (R-word).”
The 30 second PSA shows an African-American man, a Latina woman, a Chinese-American woman, a homosexual man, and a Jewish-American man saying, “It’s not acceptable to call me [insert derogatory slang].”
At the end of the PSA, Becky (Lauren Potter) says, “It’s not acceptable to call me or call yourself or your friends retarded” and Sue (Jane Lynch) says, “The R-word is the same as every minority slur. Treat it that way and don’t use it.”
The article/PSA link is below. This PSA contains mature language. As pointed out by the Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign, this is the same language that kids use everyday in school, so why shouldn’t it be used to address the problem – by specifically pointing it out.