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Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

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IEP/Young Child Workshop

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010


Tuesday, January 26th from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM at the DSAOC Center

The presenters (Sandi Ames & Catherine Raack) at this workshop will help participants learn to develop an education program that focuses on individual unique needs and defines the goals and services necessary for their student to benefit.  Collaborative skills to assist parents in feeling confident as equal and active members of their child’s IEP team will be highlighted. 

This workshop is geared toward parents whose children are in preschool through early elementary school. 

Call DSAOC at 714-540-5794, or click here to register for the workshop.

First Graduates from Mano a Mano Class

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009


Our new DSAOC Mano a Mano (Hand in Hand) Class recognized its first graduates in December.  The 10 week program, funded with support from the Children & Families Commission of Orange County, is focused on our Spanish speaking families.  Designed to enhance early literacy for children (3-6 years of age), while also helping the parents better understand the IEP process and improve their own language skills. 

CONGRATULATIONS to the graduates; and many THANKS to our Mano a Mano Team teachers: Monica Lucero, Yessica Gandara, Cristina Mamac, and Analiz Pulido.

Partners in Education Invites Your Help!

Friday, November 13th, 2009

homepage-resources-educatorsThe DSAOC Partners in Education program connects educators, therapists, paraprofessionals, and school/district administrators with the training, resources, and support they need to help educate students with Down syndrome.  During the past year, the program has been successful in establishing many of these connections at the district and SELPA level throughout Orange County. 

We are now recruiting parents to assist in the outreach activities.  Would you like to join us, or maybe just learn more about the effort? 

Call the Center at 714-540-5794, or email sames@dsaoc.org to find out more.

Hand in Hand – Together We Can!

Monday, September 28th, 2009

Mano a ManoJuntos Podemos – that’s the name of a new DSAOC program designed specifically for our spanish speaking families.  With funding support from the OC Children & Families Commission this ten week course is focused on enhancing early literacy skills for children 3-6 years of age, while helping parents to better understand the IEP process, as well as improve their own language skills.  Initially the program, which already has a wait list, is limited to 15 families with planning under way for expanded sessions in the Spring.  Sessions are being conducted each Saturday at the DSAnew-folder-151new-folder-102OC Center.

Educator of the Year Recognized

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
Kellie Perez, Lori Avalos, Ryan Avalos, Elizabeth Hardy

Kellie Perez, Lori Avalos, Ryan Avalos, Elizabeth Hardy

DSAOC is pleased to announce that Elizabeth Hardy has been selected as the recipient of its 2009 Educator of the Year Award. Ms. Hardy is a Special Education teacher at Lord Baden Powell Elementary School in Anaheim. She was recently presented the award during an end of year student assembly. Susan Smith is the school’s principal.

Nominations for the award were submitted by parents, and open to all K-12 educators teaching in Orange County. This is the 11th year that DSAOC has presented the award which celebrates educators whose outstanding efforts and innovations have helped a student learn and grow on a pathway to reaching their full potential at school, work, and in the community.