Education Resources Information Center provides information and links to the Preschool Curriculum Guide for Children's Centers in California.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
The Early Start Program
Special Education Legal Terms
Wrights Law provides accurate, reliable information about special education law, overall education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities. You will find thousands of articles, cases, and resources about dozens of topics.
California Department of Education has a website that provides information on specialized programs in California, including sections on:
- Administration and Support
- Announcements and Current Issues
- Data Collection and Reporting
- Family Involvement and Partnerships
- Laws, Regulations and Polices
- Quality Assurance Process
- Services & Resources
Disability Rights California (previously Protection and Advocacy) provides up-to-date information and resources on a variety of topics, including issues concerning education and budget.
Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) began processing California special education cases June 1, 2005; including hearings, requests for mediations, and public inquiries. Parents and professionals can review the OAH decisions and orders to more fully understand the due process system and current rulings on free and appropriate education issues as defined by IDEA 2004.
Orange County Department of Education
200 Kalmus Drive
Costa Mesa, California 92628
Institute for Community Inclusion
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, Massachusetts 02125
Cate Weir: Cathryn.Weir@umb.edu
Debra Hart: Debra.Hart@umb.edu