DSA|OC :: Down Syndrome Association Of Orange County

Secondary Education

Once a student enters intermediate and high school, educational opportunities look much different. Instead of one teacher who works with the student for the majority of the day, intermediate and high school students may have up to eight or more classes, each with a different teacher. Offering these teachers information on Down syndrome and the unique learning style of the student is critical. Some educators never had the opportunity to teach a child with Down Syndrome, so they approach it with uncertainty. They may not have even had the chance to have any level of a relationship with an individual with Down Syndrome, and so are completely in the dark regarding the many abilities and successes that student's with Down syndrome possess.

Parents can provide information to their child's teachers and other key staff that will help develop an understanding of their academic, as well as safety needs.

Contact the DSAOC Center for assistance with resources for your child's educator, as well as up-to-date educational information.







DSAOC is a non-profit organization exempt from Federal and State income taxes under section 501 (c) (3)
of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 23701 (d) of the California Revenue and Taxation Code.

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